Gold colier with diamonds

585/1000, v. 4,20 g, brilianty starého brusu 0,20 + 0,35 ct
39.000 Kč

Gold colier with diamonds

585/1000, v. 3,90 g, brilianty starého brusu celkem cca 0,20 ct
27.000 Kč

Gold earrings with ruby

750/1000, v. 2,60 g
13.500 Kč

Gold earrings with diamonds

585/1000, v. 4,10 g, brilianty starého brusu celkem 0,32 ct
32.000 Kč

Gold earrings with diamonds

585/1000, v. 2,25 g, brilianty starého brusu 4 x 0,15 ct, 1. pol. 20. století
29.000 Kč

Gold earrings with saphire

750/1000, v. 2,55 g
13.500 Kč

Gold ring with diamond

585/1000, v. 4,15 g, briliant starého brusu cca 1,40 ct (L-M/Si1)
118.000 Kč

Gold ring with diamonds

585/1000, v. 2,75 g, brilianty starého brusu 2 x 0,15 ct, onyx, 1. třetina 20. století
29.000 Kč

Gold art nouveau ring with pearl and diamond

585/1000, v. 3,85 g, briliant starého brusu cca 0,20 ct, sladkovodní perla, routy, počátek 20. století
29.000 Kč

Gold ring with diamonds

585/1000, v. 3,65 g, brilianty starého brusu 2 x 0,05 ct
10.500 Kč

Gold ring and bracelet

585/1000, v. 8,20 g
14.800 Kč

Gold earrings with diamonds and saphire

750/1000, v. 1,15 g, brilianty moderního brusu, 2 x 0,15 ct
19.500 Kč

Results 337 - 348 of 414